Recent progress in the MILIMAT project
After the drafting of the Synthesis Report and the ‘Manual of Good Practices’, with the description of virtuous farms in building agricultural multicultural teams in the 5 participating countries, Italy, Austria, France, Greece and Spain, the project’s progress work focused on the realisation of the content of an e-learning course for farmers, farm workers and migrants for the realisation of positive experiences of labour and cultural integration in agriculture.
The Training Course is constituted of 3 Modules, Module 1 Migrant condition and integration from the hospitality centres to work, Module 2 Building and managing multicultural work teams, Module 3 Communication, professional valorization and networking, dedicated to different specific theoretical and practical issues, involving farm owners, local land workers, migrants engaged for seasonal or permanent work at farm, operators of front offices hosting migrants, policy and decision makers, and teachers and students from vocational and higher education schools.
The e-learning course will be implemented with introductory videos presenting each Module.
At the same time the 3-Module course, in English, will be translated into the mother tongues, French, German, Greek, Italian and Spanish, graphically designed and uploaded in the web platform.
4th international project meeting
A meeting with participation of all partners has been hosted in Athens on 21st and 22nd of May by the partner INASO-PASEGES, that also organized a meeting on the theme of migrants and farming land work needs with representatives of ETHEAS, Greek confederation of agriculture and food cooperatives, and a field visit at Mega Leaves, cooperative producing green vegetables and employing migrants.
Next steps until the end of the project
The next period, till end October, will be dedicated to set up the web platform for the e-learning course and a collaborative platform devoted to stimulating contacts between farmers and migrants and start an innovative kind of direct actions aimed to favour mutual benefits in terms of work and cultural integration, with the objective to continue these training and contact activities beyond the end of the project.
A central role of the MILIMAT dissemination activities will be attributed to the final meeting and international conference in Perugia, beginning October 2024, and the multiplier events organized by the partners in their own countries.Stay tuned and follow us on our social media profiles: Facebook & X!